Category Archives: Minority

Tim Cook

Tim Cook is a passionate businessman and CEO of Apple Inc. for over a decade, he is also one of the first openly gay businessmen since 2012. Cook has shown his love and dedication to the business world since he graduated from Duke University with a master’s degree in business management in 1982 and was later asked to join Apple by Steve Jobs himself. He works with sales and operations as well as service support and marketing for Apple, a number one worldwide technology company specializing in cell phones, computers, and the newest electronics. The demands for new technology and cell phones boomed during the time Cook began working for Apple and the company soon became popular by his invention of the iPad. Tim Cook faced harsh criticism and skepticism from the public, his own colleagues and even Steve Jobs himself, however, that is one of the most fascinating elements of Cook’s journey.

CEO of Feedback

Facing backlash for his sexual orientation and skepticism in being Jobs’s successor, Tim made it his goal to not take any criticism personally but rather as feedback. The skill to ignore the negative and focus on how to grow from it is something that everyone can take away from Tim Cook’s story as a businessman. It does not go unrecognized the work Tim Cook has put onto all his projects, his dedication and liberty of self-expression are one of the many qualities that make Cook a highly admirable man in today’s business world.

Apple’s Mission

 The “Mother Nature” advertisement by Apple is one of the promotional campaigns connected directly to Cook. The goal: to decrease Apple’s carbon footprint to zero by 2030, and his presence in the commercial shows his dedication to both the company and the Earth. In a different time, Tim Cook’s self-expression would be unheard of and certainly unruly, but today, it means equality and fairness to all aspiring businesspeople. Tim Cook’s journey will forever change the way I view courage in the business world and will surely impact my ethics, because of his honesty in his own self.