Category Archives: Women

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel is known for her passion for chic, elite fashion and costume design. She was particularly known for her love for fragrance and elegant aromas. Chanel provided costume designs for Hollywood and various other companies, however she was mainly known for her high class perfumes.

Roaring 20s

The roaring twenties were a large influence in her production of elegant perfumes such as Chanel’s. Her funding and popularity were primarily due from the support of her partners, who were men of high status. Coco Chanel faced many challenges running her business with the second world war in full force, letting go many employees and closing down her store. This was also due to the union strike for higher pay amongst women employees. Hollywood rejected the majority of her designs because they made women look modest instead of something for men to own, even with the harsh criticism she regularly received from her designs, her perseverance and passion for costume designing was persistent and largely admirable for upcoming female entrepreneurs. Chanel was able to obtain various celebrity endorsements and high-class brands to model and showcase her work, gaining her plenty of new customers and admirers.

A Woman Leader We Can Learn From

Women everywhere can learn from Chanel’s ability to break away from societal norms, and do what she wants instead of what was expected of her. It’s most likely that today or even decades before society wouldn’t perceive Coco Chanel as the courageous woman she is but rather a radical extremist and a negative voice for women because of her glorified substance use and numerous affairs. Even decades after her death people still admire her attention to detail and globally recognize the interlocked “C” symbol as luxury and high status.